Finally haritu submit AutoCAD and compositon sketchup.Lega gila because byk keje tak siap.Lagi2 design!!!aaahhhhh!!!Mula dulu time belum ambik rumah sama dgn pony tapi suddenly lecturer ckp xleh same.Punya la kalut cari rumah lain.Beribu-ribu aku search sume dah de org ambik dlu.Tension!!!aaaahhhh!!!Tiba2 time tgah search psal design terbaca pasal Herzog.Saya kenal die pn dulu because tau die bnyk design stadium.So search2 last2 jumpa Rudin House ni.Simple tapi style.
Located in a village at the limit of France and Switzerland (Leymen), was one of the earliest works of Herzog & de Meuron, conducted for the art gallery owner Hanspeter Rudin.
At first glance one might say that the shape and external appearance is a very typical home, as we imagined a house in our childhood: the waters of two roof, windows and doors and a great big fireplace. The roof is nothing more than a roof, walls, and both are simple walls forming a single plane where they have perversely doors and windows.This house provides a rare dialogue between tradition and modernity subverting both while benefiting from their values.
At home Rudin, Herzog and de Meuron on childhood memories evoke the image of a house, rescuing the most characteristic elements such as the large fireplace, sloping roof, so a single volume. Associating with an elemental simplicity and cleanliness in their finishes, reaching beyond the literalness of imaginatively conceived as a house, exorcised the idea of a primary home to two water to reduce it to a degree zero of iconographic representation.
Since the distance does not differ in terms of volume but its neighboring completely alter their references. The house eludes own parameters of historicalness sweetened hypocritical of the new buildings falsely traditional for them to take only a vision that reflects its abstract geometry and the vision that leads to child in the house that we all recognize.a
Tapi lastly bile dah siap and nak hantar autoCAD and sketchup tau2 je aunty pn ambik rumah yang sama..aaaaaahhhhh!!!!!!!
ari jumaat aritu birthdy sye n mimi but i juz celebrate sndri2 n went out g ipoh dgn echa;my bezpren.lame jgktak pegi ipoh jalan2.Bila dah blik baru echa tau today my birthday and die cakap tau awal2 bleh blanje secret recipe..melepas!hehe.On the way blik,mimi msj ckp die kne simbah dgn air basi time kt pdng tgh archisport..hehe.Lega gile coz mlm tu xpegi archisport n xkne simbah..hehe.The next day igatkan dh lepas.Suddenly malam tu sume my housemate grab me n simbah dgn air ape tah + kek yg dh busuk.Kiteorg main kejar2 smpi kul 3 pagi je because sume pk design xsiap..Yg kne juz pony and amau je..hahaha..Anyway thanx guy!!
Kadang2 time tgah online ni sye ske search psl japan ni. Anythingla pasal Japan; culture,architecture,fashion,gadget and even football because ske player die yang play kt europe..hehe. Time sblm cuti raye tu,me and farid the came across pasal bdk japan time online kat rumah syuk. Nama die Seito Sakakibara.......
Seito Sakakibara is the alias of a then-14-year-old student from Kobe, Japan who murdered an11-year-old boy and a 10-year-old girl between March and May 1997. Also identified as Onibara (due to an error in reporting by the Japanese media), his real name has not been released to the press as per Japanese legal procedures prohibiting the identification of juvenile offenders, and he is officially referred to as "Boy A" in Japanese legal documentation.
Sakakibara began carrying cutting weapons while still in elementary school, writing in his diary that "I can ease my irritation when I'm holding a survival knife or spinning scissors like a pistol." At age 12, he exhibited extreme cruelty to animals, lining up a row of frogs in a street and riding over them with his bicycle, as well as mutilating cats and decapitating pigeons.
After the March 16 attack, he wrote in his diary: "I carried out sacred experiments today to confirm how fragile human beings are... I brought the hammer down, when the girl turned to face me. I think I hit her a few times but I was too excited to remember." The following week, on March 23, he added: "This morning my mom told me, 'Poor girl. The girl attacked seems to have died.' There is no sign of my being caught... I thank you, God for this... Please continue to protect me."
On May 27, 1997, the head of Jun Hase a special education pupil at Tainohata Elementary School, was found in front of the school gate hours before pupils arrived for classes. Hase had been beheaded with a hand saw, with further mutilations being done before being left in front of the school, for students to discover when they arrived in the morning. A note, written in red pen, was found stuffed in his mouth, identifying the killer as "Sakakibara." The note read:
"This is the beginning of the game... You police guys stop me if you can... I desperately want to see people die, it is a thrill for me to commit murder. A bloody judgment is needed for my years of great bitterness."
Additionally, some English was on the note as well: "shooll kill".
Police commented that the style of Hase's killing and the note was reminiscent of that of the Zodiac murders in the San Francisco area during the late 1960s.
On June 6, a letter was sent to the newspaper Kobe Shimbun, in which Sakakibara claimed responsibility for the slaying and decapitation of Jun Hase, and threatened that more killings would follow. This second letter, delivered in a brown envelope postmarked June 3, had no return address or name. Enclosed was a three-page, 1400-word letter, also written in red ink, which included a six-character name that can be pronounced as " Seito Sakakibara." The same characters, which mean alcohol, devil, rose, saint and fight, were used in the first message that was inserted into the boy's mouth.
Beginning with the phrase "Now, it's the beginning of a game," the letter stated that "I am putting my life at stake for the sake of this game... If I'm caught, I'll probably be hanged... police should be angrier and more tenacious in pursuing me.... It's only when I kill that I am liberated from the constant hatred that I suffer and that I am able to attain peace. It is only when I give pain to people that I can ease my own pain." The letter also lashed out against the Japanese educational system, calling it "compulsory education that formed me, an invisible person."
In the initial panic, the Japanese media misreported the name as "Onibara" - Demon's Rose, though the killer insisted it was as he gave it. Infuriated by the mix up, Sakakibara later wrote to the station, "From now on, if you misread my name or spoil my mood I will kill three vegetables a week.... If you think I can only kill children you are greatly mistaken."
A 14-year-old junior high school student was arrested as a suspect in the Hase murder on June 28. Shortly after his arrest, "Boy A" also confessed to the murder of 10-year-old Ayaka Yamashita on March 16, as well as the assaults of three other girls on and around that same date.
True or not, in the murder areas a symbol exactly like the Zodiac Killer's seemed to be found. After the murders, Japanese politician Shizuka Kamei called for restricting objectionable content, stating, "Movies lacking any literary or educational merit made for just showing cruel scenes... Adults should be blamed for this," and that "the incident gives adults the chance to rethink the policy of self-imposed restrictions on these films and whether they should allow them just because they are profitable."
On March 11, 2004, in an unprecedented act, the Japanese Ministry of Justice announced that Sakakibara, 21 at the time, was being released on a provisional basis, with a full release to follow on January 1, 2005. Critics have charged that since the government had taken the unusual step of notifying the public, that Sakakibara was likely not fit for release and should be transferred to prison. Due to the seriousness of the crimes and that they were committed as a minor, his name and new residence to this day remain a highly-guarded secret. Yet, his real name has been circulated on the internet since June 29, 1997, according to books of a Japanese journalist Fumihiko Takayama.
Today dh 1.10.09. Another 2 weeks je lg..submition!! Cuak bile pk bende byk lg xsiap. Space pn xhbs i terlalu lmbt??MESTILA!!!..aaahhh!!!adeh..
Pusing2 je studio tup2 sorg2 dh kuar idea kebaboomnye!! Kamil and the geng mmg pling advance skng. Next maybe takep and dak2 poli. Abu and wahid pn bleh kate jauh gak suddenly semlm they told me dieorg wt balik dri S.O.A. Just my luck de gak yg start blik. Abu said that die down gle when En Zul crit dienye design ritu. Kamilnye leh tahan la coz pkai timber. Actully patutnye pg ni nk g crit tp ble tgk xsiap g trus mlas. Keje xsiap tapi sempat lagi pg tgk bola with Ijai..hahaha..Man Utd vs Vfl Wolfenberg. Result??confirmla MU menang.2-1. Game menarik jgk in the 2nd half. Scorer Dzeko(Wolf), Carrick and Giggs.
Petang ni ade budak2 my batch pg buat mesured drawing kt mane tah.So de la mase nk buat design.Tomorrow after Archi Science with En Naz nk pg crit.Tapi ngan sape im not sure yet.Maybe ngn En Tajul kot.Dalam Minggu ni En Tajul and the geng rajin dtg studio time mlm.Even bdk2 ckp Lec Perempuan pn ade. Ijai ade ckp Moon mmg take advantage hbs.Die mmg pling byk crit compare to us. Compare to kamil pn boleh. I need to find a way wt keje lg cepat. Harap2 target esok nk crit bkn just target je..hehe